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Playboy USA Nr.1 / Januar 1978 - Rita Lee
  • Playboy USA Nr.1 / Januar 1978 - Rita Lee

Playboy USA Nr.1 / Januar 1978 - Rita Lee

Titelbild: Rita Lee

PLUS: Holiday Anniversary Ussue - 15 Page Playmate Review our Biggest, best yet - Great Moments in Sex 1977 - Mel Brooks New Crazy Movie - Fellini, Peckinpah, Vadim and Antonioni Picture their Erotic Visions - Your own Tear-Out Hollywood board Game - Dan Greenburg Returns to sex Heaven - Fiction by Irwin Shaw and Erich Segal - Ufos: Playboy Panelists Separate fact from Fantasy - Shel Silversteins Big Smoke Off

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Original Inhaltsbeschreibung:

  • PLAYBOY SEX POLL HOWARD SMITH This month's question: What kind of foreign man or woman would you prefer
  • PLAYBOY PANEL: UFOS-discussion America's foremost UFO researchers an both sides of the question discuss whether or not Earth has been visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings.
  • A CONVERSATION ABOUT SEX AND WOMEN - WITH JEAN-PAUL SARTRE-interview CATHERINE CHAINE If you always thought philosophers spend their time thinking great abstrac thoughts, you're wrong. They think about topic A, like the rest of es.
  • FILM DIRECTORS' EROTIC FANTASIES-pictorial Federico Fellini, Louis Molle, Sam Peckinpah, Roger Vadirn and other famous directors show you exactly what rings their chimes
  • THE ELEVENTH-HOUR SANTA-gifts. A bagful of great last-minute stocking stuffers for oll you forgetful guys.
  • THAT WAS THE YEAR THAT WAS-humor: JUDITH WAX A satirical review of the big names of 1977.
  • TOMORROW'S TURN-ONS-attire: ROBERT L. GREEN A peek at future fashions by trend-setting designers.
  • TAKE MY WIFE-PLEASE!-article: DAN GREENBURG Our intrepid reporter returns tcr.Sandston;_., es it gces down for the third time and discovers that sometimes free love isn't free, it's just a mied bender.
  • ALEX HALEY'S CANDID CONVERSATIONS-interviews: Highlights of his Playboy Interviews with Miles Davis, Cassius Ciay, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and George Lincoln Rockwell.
  • YOU OUGHT TO BE IN PICTURES-playboy's playmate of the month: Debra Jensen is pari Swedish, part American Indian and 100 percent beautifui.
  • A TERRIBLE BEAUTY   BRAD HOLLAND; text by TOM WICKER The illustrator of our Ribald Classics demonstrates his genius for penetrating social statements.
  • CHAMPAGNE AND CAVIAR-food and drink.. EMANUEL GREENBERG As an American President once seid, why not the best?
  • MOVIEMAKING, SEVENTIES STYLE: HOLLYWOOD GOES BIG-BUDGET BANANAS-article JIM HARWOOD When it comes to investing in that big silver screen these days, the money men have reached the conclusion that less is not likely to be more.
  • THE MAKING OF "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: OF THE THIRD KIND"-article JIM HARWOOD lt was moviernaking of the difilcult kind, bui somebody up there must Ilke flying-saucer Hicks.
  • SO THAT'S HOW THEY DO ITI-articie PENNFIELD JENSEN Behind the scenes with Hollywoods wizards cf illusion- -the special-effecis men.
  • THE HOLLYWOOD HUSTLE-board game Now you and your friends can be movie moguls in yo,:r cwn living room!
  • FULL MANY A FLOWER-fiction IRWIN SHAW Winning at professional football is a snap if you.re a rich lunctic.
  • HE SMOKE OFF-humor SHEL SILVERSTEIN When the fastest smoker and the fastest joint rcIler meet for a showdown in front of 50,000 stoned fans, it's c life-cnd-death situation.
  • PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE REVIEW-pictorial: If you don't already know, 1977 wcs c very cood year, indeed.
  • DOCTOR FASTEST-fiction ERICH SEGAL Selling one s soui to the Devil just ain't what it used to be.
  • THE YEAR IN SEX-pictorial: An instant replay of some of last year's best and warst moments in the world's never-ending struggle for sexual sanity.
  • PLAYBOY'S ANNUAL AWARDS Honoring the weiters, artists and photographers who won our votes for the post year's best contributions.

Seitenanzahl: 294 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Centerfold / Poster: Playmate Miss Januar 1978 Debra Jensen


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